

Benefits of Using Movie Theatre Software

With the prominent rise of streaming platforms, movie theatres need to keep up with competition now more than ever. The wider use of platforms like Netflix and Hulu also increased during the pandemic as movie theatres were forced to close. Although movie theatres are finally back to normal operations, there is significantly...

How To Select Georgia Voice Over Coach

Selecting a Georgia voice over coach can be difficult as it seems because you will have to consider a lot of factors. When you want to get a voice over coach to improve your skill as a voice actor, you can’t randomly choose anyone. A voice over coach plays an...

5 Reasons to Try Drone Videography for Your Next Project

Videos like movies, commercials, and advertising have been part of the entertainment media. Through the years, more videography styles have improved regarding cinematic style. You can compare movies from the 80s to now because you can see a significant improvement. One style you should try is drone videography in Singapore....

Existence Is a Candle, Let us Finish Suffering

I write this as being a tribute, in memory in the friend and colleagues brother who tragically passed a couple of days ago under devastating conditions. Hopes visit Vincent as well as the family. During this grand plan we call existence, may people take what's in-fact magic - with no...
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